Metal Offcut Store

Online store for sheet metal offcuts

[Please note this is an old article and the online store has since ceased to exist].

We have launched a new metal offcut store! This store can be used to purchase our offcuts without facing the minimum order charge associated with production. We will endeavour to keep our online stock updated with what we have available, however if you have a particular requirement call us on 01904 737095 and we can check our stores to see what the nearest we have available.

Metal offcuts have been selectively chosen for a variety of reasons. It could be surplus stock, stock which has become too damaged for us to use as prime material but other workshops may have a use for it or stock which we have had stored for a long period of time and there are currently no foreseeable orders which will use it.

Stainless Steel Hr Finish for Reference.

Stainless Steel HR Offcut.

There are some materials which frequently flow through our stores creating a range of sized offcuts, where this is the case we have made a customisable section so you can choose what size you would like when it is next available.

Our stores will be ideal for the following:

  • Machinists, especially the thicker aluminium blocks.
  • Fabricators, who require test pieces or only smaller parts.
  • Hobbyists, who may be unable to get materials from larger suppliers and stockholders at reasonable prices.
  • Artists or Sculptors, who do not always require prime material.
  • Designers, who would like to see a material finish or test a material before designing a product.
Yorkshire Profiles Ltd

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd