How Can Custom Laser Cutting Benefit My Business?

Custom laser cutting benefits

Laser cutting has proven to be a vital process for a variety of industries, but there are still businesses out there that don’t understand why it should be utilised.

The broad use of laser cutting technology is astounding. From the mass-manufacturing of car engines, to bespoke, one-off customer projects, laser-cutting is at the heart of business in one way or another.

There are various reasons why a business should be making the most out of laser cutting, and this blog explores what companies can get out of this technology.

An alternative to other less reliable tools

Material fabrication isn’t a new process, but laser cutting has only been making a large impact throughout the last decade. Although standard tools come in a variety of forms, including saws and hammers, due to a number of reasons they have become outdated, especially when compared to other options.

Firstly, manual tools need to be maintained so they stay suitable to do the job. This includes sharpening, adding oils and more, which add up to significant costs. Secondly, they have a large margin for human error. Even the most experienced of manufacturer may make a mistake from time to time. If a material is damaged, it may mean the job needs to be started again from scratch.

All of this becomes even more apparent when it comes to the more intricate jobs. One example is engraving that involves cutting into (but not going all the way through) a specific material, leaving a clear mark. Laser cutting can do this to a high standard with some of the most effective accuracy levels.

Environmentally conscious

In the modern market, there’s more of a focus on being environmentally friendly. Now people are looking at the manufacturing industry and analysing high levels of waste that normally occurs on a regular basis. One way to reduce energy costs is by using CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacture).

No matter what type of design is carried out, the software works to provide only minimum wastage. As previously stated, conventional tools have a large margin for error, often resulting in wasted material. If a small design is carried out on a large piece of material you can still keep the rest for another process.

Being able to boast that your business is environmentally friendly is a great bonus. A number of customers will only do business with people that can claim this, so it’s well worth bearing in mind.

Fast turn around

It goes without saying that the world of laser cutting is a hectic one. In most cases, it’s vital that you’re fast and efficient in order to compete with the competition. And it might mean that a new customer could appear at anytime, leaving you with minimal turnaround time. Thankfully, laser cutting is able to cope with large jobs without sacrificing overall quality.

This type of machine can be left running 24/7, which allows for a speedy process: If there’s a large amount of work, or a particular design requires a lengthy process, this will ensure that deadlines can be met. Most clients are surprised that a laser cutting machine can be functional for seven days a week, in some cases not even requiring a person to supervise it.

The main reason for the fast turnaround is because these machines remove the need to use other tools. Different processes provided by different machines can elongate the overall service, especially considering how it needs a person to move the material in appropriate places for each process. But laser cutting doesn’t need this.

Another tool that ensures a fast service in the industry is a shuttle table. It works by reducing the time normally required for changing materials around during a specific production. One of the main reasons they’re used is because it negates the need for carrying out manual changes, vastly reducing the chance of second hand damage to an item.

Precise Level Of Accuracy

It’s a known fact that laser cutting is one of the most precise manufacturing processes available on the market. Whether it be aluminium, stainless steel or just ordinary steel, it’s possible to cut them to +/-0.1mm of accuracy. This level is practically impossible if using another device or tool.

Again, another reason why this is possible is thanks to CAD/CAM. As everything is analysed by a computer, the laser will only carry out predetermined cuts that don’t waste any aspect of the material. If duplicates are required, it’s possible to go through the database and create exact replicas, and you can even change the odd design point if you spot room for improvement.

Process Flexibility

Thanks to constant development of laser cutting technology, it’s now possible to carry out a number of processes which are more advanced than just cutting. Whether it’s cutting an intricate hole, adding a hidden part number or even removing sharp edges, this can all be done with great ease.

When a client pays for a service, it is fair to say that they expect a high level of quality. It can be significantly damaging for a business if they provide an item that doesn’t look professional and could stop the customer returning for repeat business.

Laser cutting has the unique benefit of being able to provide a suitable cut without creating any unwanted burrs (a raised edge or material remaining after manufacturing), or dust formation. Drastically removing the chance of accidental damage leaves a material looking the best standard possible, and is something both you and your client will appreciate.

Material Range

There’s a common misconception about laser cutting only being used for stainless steel. Although stainless steel responds especially well to laser cutting, regardless of its strength, there’s a large variety of materials that can be efficiently processed, including:

  • Steel
  • Stainless steel
  • Hardox
  • Iron
  • Zintec
  • Aluminium

Other processes may struggle to deal with these materials to a suitable standard, but laser cutting doesn’t have that problem. A common complaint within the industry is just how tough iron and hardox are to process when using manual tools, making this an ideal alternative.

Each material has a maximum thickness that laser cutting machines can cope with, so this is a consideration when a customer makes a particular request.

An adapting technology

Like the world of business, laser cutting is always adapting. Various introductions to the industry mean that these machines are able to deal with thicker materials at a much faster pace.

Showcase your brand through a personal logo

A business logo is incredibly important; after all it’s the first thing that customers will associate with your business and it represents your brand. Having a clear brand identity should be a priority gain recognition in your industry. Although most will simply go with a drawing, custom signage can look amazing.

There are a number of materials that a laser cutting machine can deal with, giving you the opportunity to create branded products that are suitable and appealing to your client base. Of course the final choice is down to you, but a variety of different businesses like to use a material that fits into their industry.

Despite the chosen material, CAD (Computer Aided Design) can provide a number of designs, ranging from the simple to the intricately detailed logos. The system automatically saves anything that is submitted. This allows us to edit from different pre-saved points to provide you with a variety of changes until the perfect design has been achieved.

As you are able to save each incarnation of your logo, it can be easily edited to be suited for different occasions. Whether it be a milestone anniversary, or to celebrate a particular event, alterations can easily be made.

Laser cutting for businesses

From this, it’s clear to see that laser cutting is a suitable process that can largely benefit a variety of businesses. It could be a simple interior design piece, or an important tool that helps your company to run, this type of technology should be fully embraced.

Yorkshire Profiles understand just how well laser cutting can be used. Simply look at the industries we have worked on and you understand the scope this process covers. It has provided us with the knowledge to be at the front of laser cutting manufacturing. We always make sure to leave our clients with the best service and experience possible.

If you want to know more about what we do, contact us on 01904 737095, or join the conversation on Twitter: @YorksProfiles

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Yorkshire Profiles Ltd