Profiling For The Community

Profiling for the Community

When you think of the community you live in, it may not include the industrial estate down the road. But, here at Yorkshire Profiles we’re committed to engaging with and supporting the community efforts in York and its surrounding areas from our unit in Hessay Industrial Estate, off the A59.

What do we do for the community, you may ask. Well, aside from our standard services, we also sponsor grass roots football publications with CSP and our roadside marketing provides funding for the upkeep of York’s roads.

Yorkshire by location, Profiling by trade, and a family business at heart, we are happy to help our community by sharing our expertise and some of our turnover with projects that help in our area and beyond.

Grass Roots Football and Kicking Out Discrimination

CSP_UKYorkshire Profiles sponsors CSP UK, who produce fixture lists for upwards of 150 mini, junior and soccer development leagues across England and Wales. CSP works hard alongside youth football leagues and associations to develop initiatives for improving the way the events and sport works for families as well as tackling problems within leagues and raising the profile of the football and its campaigns and initiatives. Football is an important initiative in communities; bringing families together in support of their children and helping to promote small businesses and campaigns. Through CSP UK money is provided to youth football leagues and also to campaigns such as Kick It Out, aiming to end discrimination in youth football leagues across the country.

Kick_It_OutThe Kick It Out Campaign is focussed on inclusion and equality in football leagues across England. They work throughout the football, education and community sectors, challenging discrimination and encouraging inclusion.

Both of these campaigns, supported by Yorkshire Profiles, are important in individual communities and in the wider country. Yorkshire Profiles plays its part by financially sponsoring these initiatives so that through our and other funding the promotional material for these campaigns can be afforded and sent out to the wider communities so that kids, teenagers and adults alike can be engaged, included and involved in youth football and in campaigning against discrimination.

Grass Roots Sponsor

Roundabout Support

CP_MediaIn case you haven’t seen them, the Yorkshire Profiles brand is positioned on roundabouts in York and Leeds as well as taking pride of place on entry to our great city, affixed to the “Welcome to York” sign on the A64 from Leeds. Through the sponsorship paid to Community Partners we are able to support and fund the council in maintaining our roadsides and roads. This includes verge cutting, maintaining hedgerows, removing litter and repairing the ring road itself. This money is used to supplement the taxes paid by York residents in keeping our roads and surrounding areas in good “Knick” for us all.

Welcome To York

At Yorkshire Profiles we’re proud to offer quality precision services in laser cutting and metal fabrication, but we’re equally proud of our community support efforts and the valuable use that our funding is put to in helping York and the surrounding counties. As a family business we started small and have grown into a successful laser cutting and metal fabrication business, still owned, run and managed by the family. Our community is important to us and we are happy to help out!

Welcome To Tingley

Get in touch with us if you have any enquiries about how laser cutting can benefit you, your business or your community. With competitive prices and impeccable quality, our precision laser cutting and metal fabrication services could be just what you’re looking for. Give us a call on 01904 737095, email or try our new online quoting system for simple profile cutting!

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd