Our Brave Shaver!

Our Brave Shaver

Macmillan Cancer Support is an important charity, with every penny raised through donations and fundraising helping to give people with cancer and their families the specialised support they need, when they need it. The most recent drive from Macmillian sees individuals shaving their heads and standing alongside the men and women with cancer.

Michelle Brave Shaver

‘Our Michelle’, the company’s Administrative Assistant and the big sister of the Halliwell family is dedicated to the Macmillan cause, and so is everyone else here at Yorkshire Profiles.  Our very own Production Manager – the mum of our company – Karen underwent surgery to remove cancer in 2013 so it’s a cause very close to our hearts both as a company and more so as a family!

Michelle joined the more than 20,000 people shaving their heads and successfully raising over £1.5 million collectively so far. Her head was shaved on Monday 24th August 2015, here, at Yorkshire Profiles. Her bravery and charitable efforts have generated donations to Macmillan totalling almost £1000. Well done Michelle! We’re very proud, and very happy to have been able to help such a great charitable effort for a wonderful cause!

Michelle Brave Shaver

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd