Karen Completes 10K Race For Life

Yorkshire Profiles Production Manager completes race for life

Yorkshire Profiles Production Manager, Karen Halliwell, successfully completed the 10k Race for Life at Yorks Knavesmire racecourse on June 22nd 2014. Not only did Karen participate in the races but she also sounded the starting horn after giving an encouraging speech to the crowd of over 3,000 runners who took part.

Karen starting Race for Life in York

Karen prepares to start the Race For Life at the Knavesmire in York

The local media picked up on Karen’s story:
“I remember hearing the word cancer and after that I couldn’t take anything else in,” she said.

“I got out of the hospital and literally fell to my knees. I was devastated.”
Weeks later Karen was submitted to St James Hospital in Leeds to undergo major surgery to remove her spleen and almost all of her pancreas.

Karen starting the Race for Life in York 2014

The full story is available here: York Press

Despite the major surgery Karen was keen to return to work and was back with the company within just a couple of months after making a full recovery.

Karen at the Race for Life York 2014

“I don’t know what’s more terrifying, standing here today (in front of 3,000) or being told that you have cancer. Last August, I was diagnosed with an endocrine tumour. A 7 inch tumour which was attached to my spleen and my pancreas. On the 2nd of October I had that tumour removed with my spleen and my pancreas. Two weeks after being told I had cancer my Son told me he was getting married and I said I don’t think I’m going to be there…”

“But I’m here today and three weeks today my Son gets married and I will be there. When I came out of hospital there was a song out, and that song was Katy Perry you’re going to hear me ‘Roar’. Well come on Ladies, we’re all here today and we’re all going to Roar.”

Finish line at Race for Line 2014

Karen arrives at the finish line of a 10k race

Finish line at the 2014 Race for Life

Karen praises all those who took part in the event at the finish line.

Well done Karen!

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd

Yorkshire Profiles Ltd