Lasers are at the epicentre of Yorkshire Profiles’ business. However, outside of this, the internet is littered with videos demonstrating the “use” of lasers in day-to-day life.
With this in mind, in a world where cats and lasers quite happily co-existed, one person simply had to ask the one question that changed everything: what would happen if paths were crossed and cats met lasers?
This blog is going to explore this hard-hitting topic in extensive depth. What does actually happen when a cat faces off with a laser? Do the lasers triumph more often? Or do cats reign superior with their evil eyes and majestic sense of self-importance?
There’s only one way to find out.
OMG: Cats Vs Laser Pointer
Our first video takes us to the world of Aaron Rift’s Youtube channel. A video that has been live for over 6 years now, gaining a total of more than 2 million views, Rift’s OMG Cat Vs Laser Pointer sets the scene with some intense shots of cats, and a dose of blues music.
It then very quickly shifts into some kind of comedic face off. Lasers fly in circles, cats run a-mock, not even an avenging duo of two cats can defeat the intelligent piece of technology that is the humble laser.
In this case, it’s 1-0 to lasers.
GoPro: Cats Vs. Laser
This video is designed to be an advert for a GoPro camera, yet the intensity level of Cat vs. Laser is no less fierce.
Beginning with a selection of commanding, powerful looking cats, all staring at a laser point that’s still on the floor – it can be hard to remain in your seat without leaping up in anticipation.
And then the cats pounce.
They do so to a soundtrack that wouldn’t be out of place in an action film, and we see these panther-like animals pouncing with the skill and determination of trained assassins.
Yet once more, the laser reigns supreme and intact – it lives on to fight another day in the bitter Cat Vs. Laser feud that some of us fear will never, ever end.
2-0 to lasers.
Big Cats vs Laser Pointers
However, there is light at the end of this dark, dark tunnel. And this is found in Big Cat Rescues Youtube video Big Cats vs Laser Pointers.
We see our human host head out in the middle of the night, armed with a laser, and we instantly know that we’re in for some incredibly hot-blooded footage.
The human ventures out to the tune of distance crickets before confronting some of the scariest cats in the Big Cat Rescue collection.
We see Santino the panther, suddenly enthralled in sheer determination of power, shortly followed by Bailey, who is first tormented through bars before the laser gets the guts to venture into the cage and face off with the animal, one-on-one.
We venture through more and more cats, each one fighting the good fight, yet failing.
Then suddenly – everything changes.
The video begins to show big cats outsmarting the laser. Simply realising if you just ignore it, then it will get bored and go away.
Have cats finally found a way to defeat lasers? Is the battle finally over?
Some may say no, as it is only 2-1, but the fact the cats have somehow made a way to make the laser a redundant object may just count for more for some viewers.
What do you think about the battle? Have cats finally beaten lasers? Or are lasers still the top of the hierarchy**? Let us know and share your opinion with us on Twitter!
And whilst we’re on the topic, do you require any laser cutting services? Then get in touch with Yorkshire Profiles today, the UK’s leading laser cutting and sheet metal fabrication company on 01904 737095.
**To conclude this epic debate, here’s a montage of of cats being teased by lasers….just because it doesn’t get old!