Following last years successful “Quid Ditch 2” campaign, we were back on the road with Minster FM and the “Bring A Pound To Work Day”. The title is a probably a bit on the nose, but it’s all for a good cause! Suggestions for new names for the campaign will always be welcome.
On the 24th May 2019 we set off across North Yorkshire with the presenters of Minster FM to collect as many pound coins as we could from local groups and businesses to raise vital funds for our local St. Leonard’s Hospice.
The hospice receives only a small amount of government funding which see’s them through until April, after that, they are on their own to raise funds to keep operational for the rest of the year. St. Leonard’s Hospice provide an excellent level of end of life care, not just for the terminally ill but also the entire family around them. Tragically, we have had to use their services twice in the last 2 years so as a company we do what we can to raise funds for them.
This years campaign managed to beat all of our expectations and raised an incredible £3,611.24! What a very generous community we live in!

More images of the day are available on the Minster FM Facebook and Instagram feed.
You can find out more about St Leonard’s Hospice here. Thank you for all the generous donations and we look forward to next years event!